Podcast ep 08 / SELF-LOVE: NO BULLSH*T

Ep 08 / Self-Love: no bullsh*t. What it is, what it isn’t, and how it can change your life.

“Love yourself!” If I had a dollar everytime someone screamed that on social media, I’d be rich. Here’s the thing, screaming “Love yourself!” isn’’t actually self-love. Nope! In today’s episode we’re getting real about what self-love actually is and what it isn’t. We’re busting the myths and straight-talking about self-love! This is the ONLY podcast you’ll ever need if you truly want to understand self-love in its most practical, real-world approach. 

Topics we’re chatting about:

What the heck is self-love, and why should we care?

  • Busting FIVE TRUTHS about self-love you need to understand.

  • Real-world examples of what may be self-love for some people but not self-love for others (Chatting about food, sex, and more!)

  • Concrete examples of applying self-love.

  • Unboxing the fact that self-love is a personal journey with no ‘one size fits all’ approach

  • Reminding ourselves that the journey of self-love is ongoing - it’s okay to slip sometimesThe importance of self-accountability.

I’ve done a gillion things in my life trying to feel more loved - and I bet you have too! Join me as we explore our own patterns and beliefs, unearthing our worth and embracing self-love like never before. It's time to let go of shame and treat ourselves with the love and compassion we deserve, my friends.

Self-love isn't just about pampering ourselves; it's about something greater. It's about serving ourselves and becoming the best versions of ourselves possible. In this episode, we'll dive deep into the definition of self-love, its importance, and learn how to cultivate it in our everyday lives. Buckle up and get ready for a ride of self-discovery!

As we continue our journey, we'll discover how self-love helps us stay aligned, prioritize our needs, and live life according to our own values. Self-love acts as our roadmap, guiding us to understanding what is truly good for us and empowering us to make positive changes. With self-love as our guide, we can simplify our personal development process and build unshakable self-trust.

I’ll also get real about how I’m using self-love right now (yes, right now!) to  navigate grief and overwhelming circumstances. 

Self-love is not always easy. It requires us to do things we may not want to do, face challenging situations, and say no to immediate gratification. But trust me, the most self-loving things are often the hardest and have no immediate rewards. 

We’ll talk about how self-love evolves, just as we do. What serves us at one age may be different later on, and that's okay. It's crucial that we regularly reevaluate our needs and priorities in each chapter of our lives. Remember, self-love isn't just about productivity; sometimes, it's about stillness and removing unnecessary things from our lives.

Accountability is another vital aspect of self-love. It requires us to be honest and accountable with ourselves, taking intentional actions instead of reactive or careless ones.

Self-love starts with being honest about what is and isn't working in your life and what you truly desire. Let’s dig deep together! There's no quick and easy solution for self-love, but the journey is absolutely worth it. 


00:51 Random things I’ve done in my life to feel more loved.  Understanding shame and self-forgiveness and looking at our patterns. 

05:18 The definition of Self-Love. 

06:02 Self-love is any thought or action that helps us connect to our ultimate selves.

06:38 Prioritizing self-love over self-abandonment leads to a self-loving life and personal growth.

07:31 Self-love helps us stay aligned, prioritize our needs, and live life based on our values.

08:11 Self-love is a roadmap to understanding what is good for us and making positive changes.

08:43 With self-love as our guide, we can simplify the process of personal development and build self-trust.

09:09 Figuring out what Self-Love means for you.

16:17 Five Essential Truths about Self-Love. 

16:33 Truth one: Self love means different things to different people, based on their needs and desires.

19:14 Truth two: Self love is not always easy.

20:56 Truth three: Self love changes as we change.

22:01 Truth four: Self love isn’t the same as being busy.

22:43 Truth five: Self love is self accountability.

24:05 Question: How do I start practicing self-love when I have no idea where to begin?


You can find this episode of Powered by Self-Love on Apple or Spotify

Check out my book! You can find Soul Archaeology on Audible, on Amazon, at Barnes and Nobles and Target and on my website.


The lesson “Jimbo” taught me 30 years ago that still matters today. (Copy)


You are not junk on the side of the road