Week 16 - Wearing a 20lb Dumbbell to Costco

Last week my trainer, Blake gave me an assignment. If you havent checked out the video, you deff want to make sure to do that. To "celebrate" my 20 lb loss he handed me a 20 lb dumbbell in a backpack and told me to wear it around for a day. The reason why? So I could really see how far I've come... Even though 20 lbs is a smaller number, the difference it has had on how my body feels has been really huge. This is why I am focussing in on my strength and a feeling and not chasing a scale!So I wore this backpack to Costco.... and it sucked. Check out my experience!! xo


Week 16 - When I Felt Defeated By My Own Body


Week 16 - Thursday Workout - Arms and Chair-Friendly Modifications