Inspirational Quotes for Life - Taking Care of Ourselves
Think About It:
If you are anything like me, you may spend most of your day, every day, taking care of other people. This, of course, is totally normal. We have jobs, responsibilities, kids, laundry that needs to be done etc. I totally get it.I am here to remind you to take care of yourself. 20 minutes a day, if that is all you can manage. Or an hour every week. Make sure you do something that fuels and nurtures you. Read a book you love. Watercolor. Go for a walk. Talk to a dear friend on the phone. Journal. Go to a movie. Light a candle and drink a glass of wine. I don't care what you do, just do something. Remind yourself that, when you nurture and give to yourself you are more capable of nurturing and giving to others. When you are depleted and unhappy, you have less heart, energy and attention to give to the things and people you love!