Learn to love yourself for real, without the bullsh*t.
Let go of feeling unworthy and alone.
Break free of others’ expectations (and your own) and live life on your terms.
It’s totally doable.
Let’s do it… together.
Grab your copy here:
Hi! My name is Sarah. I created this book to be a vulnerable and candid conversation about what it REALLY looks like to live a more liberated life. Not with a forced fairytale-inspired ending. Not by denying hard things. And not by locking yourself in a bubble away from anything in life that pisses you off… Nope. This book is about self-love in the real, everyday world.
In Soul Archaeology I weave together practical guidance with my own deeply personal narrative . I’ll help you cast off the chains of traditional “Before and After” thinking so often found in self-improvement. Instead, I’ll offer you a (totally doable) approach that can help each of us to grow into our greatest selves– Our Ultimate You - a person not defined by weight or age, but by our commitment to a more loving, honest, and powerful life guided by self-accountability, honesty, and compassion.
Your personal Soul Archaeology begins with a simple, illuminating question: "What's hurting me right now?" The pages of this book offer the knowing nod, the deep cleansing breath, and the older sister wisdom which women of all sizes have been waiting for. Together, we will redefine self-love. Together, we will create YOU!
love from mel robbins
Sarah has written a must-read for women everywhere. Your life is messy and complicated, and mine sure as hell is, too. Sarah understands what all women struggle with, and she isn't afraid to call out the forces that undermine your confidence. Do yourself a serious favor and read this book; then share it with every woman you love
Mel Robbins
Bestselling Author of The 5 Second Rule, and award-winning podcast host
This book will
teach you to ….
ONE: See the patterns of self-abandonment that screw you out of a self-loving life.
TWO: Define how you truly want to feel and craft a plan to make it happen.
THREE: Break free of the quest for unattainable perfection.
FOUR: Build a Self-Love To-Do List to make change totally-doable, even when you have absolutely NO IDEA what will make you feel happier in life.
So that you can ...
ONE: Experience your life on YOUR terms - without people pleasing or giving pieces of yourself away to make others happy.
TWO: Find true acceptance for yourself .
THREE: Get shit done and start taking action, even when you feel paralyzed or overwhelmed.
FOUR: Stop beating yourself up for the past or ruminating about what could happen.
FIVE: Navigate the bullshit of everyday life with less anxiety and stress.
Most importantly… Be the most YOU version of YOU that YOU can be –
even if you don’t know who that is yet!
I wish I had this book years ago on my journey to self-love. Soul Archaeology has the opportunity to save women decades of time wasted beating down what they see in the mirror, as I did. I’m so grateful for Sarah’s open hearted guidance. Even at 54, I learned so much from this book. Kudos Sarah!”
Ricki Lake
Actor, Emmy Award winning Talk Show Host, and Filmmaker
You’ll also learn how to:
Cast aside the weight of shame for “mistakes” you think you’ve made.
Start repairing self-trust with small choices you make every day.
Recognize the core wound “movies in your mind” that lie about your self-worth.
Deal with other people's bullshit so only YOU define your life!
More praise for Soul Archaeology
I have always been inspired by Sarah’s vulnerability and willingness to share from such an authentic and courageous space. I have no doubt this book will help others feel seen and heal. It’s both deeply powerful and practical, offering the reader endless amounts of great moments to be witnessed through Sarah’s demonstration of her own humanness. A must-read.”
— Mark Groves —
Human Connection Specialist & Founder of Create the Love
“Soul Archaeology will bring comfort and beautiful perspective to people like myself who have struggled with their own self-worth… I feel like I can finally breathe again. I don't have to be so hard on myself any more.”
— Carnie Wilson —
Grammy Nominated Musician, Wilson Phillips, TV Host, and Mom