Be Greater - A Giveaway with MyIntent
I believe, that one of biggest gifts the universe gives us is, that EVERY DAY, we can wake up and become a greater version of ourselves. Whatever bogs us down – whether it’s anxiety or negative personal relationships, more physical stuff like our weight and health or more lifestyle related things, like simply not ENJOYING our time... every day we are alive is a chance to get up close and personal with the version of ourselves we want to be.I’m right in the middle of this myself with my own journey, GreaterAt40. I’m tackling my physical, and emotional health, in the hopes of becoming a more free, more empowered and more badass version of myself. For me, the idea of “being greater” means being physically stronger and as self aware, balanced and purpose-driven as I can be. But for you? “Being greater” may mean something entirely different.Maybe you want to be more spiritual? Or get out from behind your desk and see the sky more? Maybe, like me, you want find a better state of health? The brilliant thing is that we can ALL become the hero in our own life story; we can identify and then taking ACTION to “become greater” as this power is within us all.
The brilliant thing is that we can ALL become the hero in our own life story; we can identify and then taking ACTION to “become greater” as this power is within us all.
BE GREATER! A bracelet from MyIntent.
Enter to win your own BE GREATER bracelet from MyIntent.
Enter my giveaway with MyIntent to win your own BE GREATER bracelet.
My BE GREATER bracelet is from MyIntent. Enter the giveaway to win your own.
As a reminder to myself, I had these bracelets made by the kickass, awesome folks at MyIntent. At MyIntent ( I took this from their website... how amazeballs is this?) they aim to be "a catalyst for meaningful conversations and positive energy. We believe there is a purpose inside each of us and want our efforts to encourage people to share more truth and inspiration with each other. We are not a jewelry company, we are an intentions project. " YESSSS!!!!I wear this EVERY DAY. I never take it off. An intention bracelet from MyIntent that I had made with my own personal motto ---- Be Greater. Whatever that means to you. Be greater. The power to "be greater" is within us all!I’ve partnered with MyIntent to give away two of these custom-made Be Greater bracelets, exactly like the one I’m wearing right now! They were kind enough to come on board.. And now I'm SUPER excited to give some away! The universe is a beautiful and powerful thing. Every day, we have the chance to Be Greater. Whatever that means for you... Allow yourself to believe that YOU CAN accomplish the things you want, you can make the changes you want to make. At any age. Any size. Any weight. You CAN BE GREATER!Want to win one for yourself? Here's how to enter on Instagram! *GIVEAWAY ENDS JULY 18th, 2016*
Instructions for Entry
Make sure you are following both me at GreaterAt40 AND MyIntent. (Click on the link right there in their name to find their IG page!)
Repost THIS photo below. (I'm also sharing this on my Instagram pages so it's easy to find.
When you post... be sure to answer the question, "what does 'BE GREATER' mean to you?" I want to know how you want to improve and power your life! The idea of BE GREATER means different things to us all. Let me know what it means to you!
Tag @GreaterAt40 and @MyIntent so we can see you posted and, please, use the #GreaterAt40 hashtag in your comment. That's it!
Be Greater! Enter my giveaway with MyIntent.
Here's your photo to repost. Remember you can also find it on my Instagram profile! Have questions? Feel free to ask below! I'll chose two winners at the end of the giveaway. Winners must live in the continental United States.I can't wait to hear from you!xoxo Sarah