Six Years with the Best Mattress for Heavy People - Celebrating My Birthday with Big Fig!

Once upon a time, on a sunny day in 2017, a mattress found its way to an apartment in Los Angeles. What came next? A sleepy Happily Ever After!

Do a quick Google search for “best mattress for heavy people” or “mattress for heavy couples” and a bunch of options will pop up.

That being said, there is only one brand that has been tried, tested, and used by sleepers for over six years and that is a Big Fig Mattress. This March marks my sixth anniversary of sleeping on the same mattress and I am incredibly excited to say — this mattress isn’t bullshit. It’s the real deal. So let’s  talk about my personal experience using a Big Fig so you can decide if it’s the right mattress for you.

*Disclaimer* Right now you’re going to ask me if this post is sponsored and I’m going to tell you (happily) that it is. I took this sponsored post because I am PROUD of Big Fig for making a product that delivers on its promise. In the time since I received my mattress, I’ve been approached by other mattress brands. I’ve been gifted mattress that I have slept on and then, promptly, given away. This one has lasted. It’s my true love. So let’s talk about it.

Sarah Sapora Big Fig Mattress Review

I have been sleeping in a King sized Big Fig Mattress since March of 2017.

My bed also includes the bed frame and box spring. The mattress has been moved / relocated three times since then. It has been my “primary” mattress for this time period. There is a ton of technical information about the Big Fig on their website. This post won’t talk about that. You can find it here and, if  you are interested in one, I encourage you to read more. This review focuses on practical feedback based on my own experiences. 

Here are a few things I know to be true for myself.

Truth: I’ve been sleeping in my Big Fig Mattress since 2017 and it is (still) in great shape.

There are no dips, tilts, leans, or sags in this mattress. It is still velvety firm.

Truth: I rotate the Big Fig every few months.

Rotating the mattress is necessary to keep its health, especially if you sleep alone and only one side. The mattress doesn’t “flip” as it has a designated Top and Bottom but it can be rotated.  Do it every few months so it sleeps fresh. I can rotate the mattress without help.

Truth: Edge support makes a difference.

This is one of those things you don’t think about until you realize it. You know how you can sit on the edge of a bed and it sinks and falls forward? The Big Fig doesn’t. The special hybrid design of the Big Fig places the firmest foam around  the edges so that you always feel secure when you sit on the edge. 

Truth: It can handle whatever you can give it. (Wink)

Yes, I’m talking about sexy times. I’m talking jumping up and down. I’m talking about dropping a bowling ball or four.  Bring it, your Big Fig can handle it. If you are a larger person you’ve probably experienced bed-fear during sex before. Will the frame hold up? Will it tip over? You won't have problems. (Grin) Feel free to bring your Dave Matthews inspired “Crash Into Me” lovemaking or multi-person party to the table. It can handle it.

Truth: I Have NOT experienced the best of the mattress cooling features – and that’s my fault.

Big Fig has a special perforated foam that allows air to flow and assures a cooler night sleep. I don't know that I’ve ever really experienced that and I’m pretty sure it’d because I’ve always used inexpensive, plastic mattress protectors that get in the way. Here is what I CAN tell you – when I sleep in a memory foam bed, I sweat my ass (and lady parts) off. Terrible. (This actually happened a few nights ago while I stayed in an AIRBNB in Texas for work.) Like, waking up in a pool of sweat. This has NEVER happened on my mattress. If I get warm while I sleep it’s caused by the room temperature or my feeling unwell. 

Truth: I Did NOT put mine together myself.

Don’t ask me if you can assemble it by yourself because I have no idea. (Grim) I’ve seen people do it on YouTube but I haven't tried it myself. A King size bed is heavy no matter what brand you sleep in! I can tell you I once tried to move a floppy mattress that came rolled in a box and was all foam and it was an absolute disaster that I am still apologizing to my friends for asking for their help with. This one is heavy but it's normal heavy. Keep that in mind when you think about assembly!

On bed with the best mattress for heavy people - my Big Fig Mattress!

Truth: Your Big Fig is a financial investment.

I am not here to decide what someone should consider “cheap” or what is “expensive.” I will, however, tell you that in the case of mattresses, what you pay for traditionally reflects the quality of what you get. That being said, here are a few things to keep in mind. First, the Big Fig mattress is priced accordingly with competitors - I checked myself. Second, the brand regularly offers promotions that can save you anywhere to $200 - $350 on your mattress. Third, they offer a discount for both AARP members and active & retired military personnel. Lastly, the brand offers financing options.

Here is another thing to keep in mind — Big Fig offers a 120 day refund policy on its mattress. If you sleep on it for a few months and find it doesn’t work for you, you can return it.(This does not cover the bed frame or box spring - just the mattress.)

I’ve bought cheap mattresses before. (Heck, my boyfriend recently purchased one in 2021 that was less expensive.) They haven’t lasted. Within a year of daily sleeping, if that, my sleep quality was compromise.

Truth: Sleep quality doesn’t matter to everyone. But for those it does matter to, it makes a bit difference.

OK. I won’t bullshit you. In college and in my 20’s, I could have slept on a rock or a waterbed every night and it wouldn’t have made a difference. It makes a difference now. When I sleep poorly, my entire quality of life is compromised. I have less energy and more fatigue. I am irritable and more likely to injure myself when being active. My back hurts. My neck hurts. Frankly, it makes it that much harder to wake up and have a productive, effective, and peaceful day.

If I did not have a Big Fig and I needed a mattress, I would buy it. Hands down.

Looking for more information? You can check out my full review on YouTube!

In this video I give you my full review, plus answer a whole bunch of questions that you guys asked me! Questions like… Can I set the Big Fig up by myself? Does it smell when you take it out of the box? Can it withstand your sex life? I answer them all and more!!

As always, you can learn more about Big Fig from visiting their website here!


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